Full-cycle development

From idea to monetization

If you have done the research and have a clear understanding of your needs, it's time to find a dedicated team of developers and bring your idea to life.

We suggest three ways of process structuring and collaboration
1. Fixed Price
Technical requirement for the developers
Technical requirement for the developers
Infrastructure arrangement
The disadvantage of this approach is flexibility. The initial requirements may change during the development so the design will require compromise to exclude the possibility of being behind schedule and over budget.
Production and warranty maintenance
The disadvantage of this approach is flexibility. The initial requirements may change during the development so the design will require compromise to exclude the possibility of being behind schedule and over budget.
The main advantage of FixedPrice is clear requirement, determined deadlines and fixed budget.
2. Time & Material
We establish the cost of development per hour according to technologies and specialization
We establish the cost of development per hour according to technologies and specialization)
We establish the cost of development per hour according to technologies and specialization
Working that way
Flexibility is the main advantage of this approach as there are no restrictions implied like production timeframes, so we can enhance any feature after receiving the feedback from users with no additional formalities.
3. Personal team
We analyze you project, help to modify its concept and make it more promising if needed
Estimate the duration of your project, the number of developers and team's charge for a month
Establish the process of development and cooperation
The charge is set individually according to the project
This approach involves working closely with the development team. We consistently work together as if you have the development team on the staff.
Implement the project
Ready to collaborate?
Contact us and will be back to you within 24 hours
Ready to collaborate?
Contact us and will be back to you within 24 hours
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